Project: Webinterface II - Fidonet Messagebase Structure: SQUISH SDK

AMBROSIA60-Portal  Webinterface II Project

                                Squish Developers Kit
                                     Version 2.00

                                Created May 23rd, 1994

                        Documentation produced by Scott Dudley

           Copyright 1991-1994 by SCI Communications.  All rights reserved.
               Maximus and Squish are trademarks of SCI Communications.

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

          INTRODUCTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               Distribution Policy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               No Warranty  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               Author Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3

          MSGAPI FUNCTION REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               Initialization/Termination Functions . . . . . . . . . .   4
                    MsgOpenApi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
                    MsgCloseApi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               Area-Oriented Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
                    MsgOpenArea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
                    MsgCloseArea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
                    MsgValidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    MsgGetHighWater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    MsgSetHighWater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
                    MsgGetCurMsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
                    MsgGetNumMsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
                    MsgGetHighMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
                    MsgLock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
                    MsgUnlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
                    MsgInvalidHarea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
               Message-Oriented Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
                    MsgOpenMsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
                    MsgCloseMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                    MsgReadMsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                    MsgWriteMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
                    MsgKillMsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
                    MsgGetCurPos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
                    MsgSetCurPos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
                    MsgGetTextLen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
                    MsgGetCtrlLen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
                    MsgInvalidHmsg  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
               UMSGID Translation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
                    MsgMsgnToUid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
                    MsgUidToMsgn  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               CtrlInfo Manipulation Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
                    MsgGetCtrlToken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
                    MsgFreeCtrlToken  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
                    MsgRemoveToken  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
                    MsgGetNumKludges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
                    MsgCvt4D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
                    MsgCreateCtrlBuf  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
                    MsgCvtCtrlToKludge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
                    MsgFreeCtrlBuf  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
               Squish-Specific Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
                    SquishHash  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
                    SquishSetMaxMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
               API Changes from MsgAPI Version 0  . . . . . . . . . . .  25

          BUILDING MSGAPI APPLICATIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

               Source File Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
               Compiling Source Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
               Linking Your Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
               Building the Sample Applications . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

          BUILDING THE MSGAPI SOURCE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

          OS/2 DLL DEVELOPMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
               Sample Feature DLLs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
                    KILLRCAT.DLL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
                    MSGTRACK.DLL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
               Feature DLL Programming Interface  . . . . . . . . . . .  31
               Building Feature DLLs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37

          SQUISH FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               Squish Philosophy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               Squish Data Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
               Data File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
               Index File Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
               Message Links  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
               Reading Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
               Writing Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
               Deleting Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
               Concurrency Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53


          This document serves as  a reference guide for version 2.0 of the
          Squish Developers Kit.   The primary purpose of this  document is
          to  describe the  C Application  Programming Interface  (API) for
          Squish bases, also known as MsgAPI.

          Information  is   included  on  rebuilding  the   MsgAPI  source,
          compiling applications that use MsgAPI, and a description of each
          function  within the  MsgAPI.   The standard  MsgAPI distribution
          supports Turbo C, Borland C, WATCOM C, and Microsoft C.

          This  document does not provide  a tutorial on  using the MsgAPI,
          but  those with  a  reasonable amount  of programming  experience
          should have little trouble in using MsgAPI.

          In addition,  this document includes information  on the "feature
          DLL"  interface  that is  supported by  the  OS/2 version  of the
          Squish  tosser/scanner  program.   These hooks  allow third-party
          developers to  manipulate messages when they  are being processed
          by Squish.   These hooks are  called when  Squish is tossing  and
          packing messages.

          Finally,  this document also describes the physical layout of the
          Squish file format.   Although use of the MsgAPI  is recommended,
          this information should  allow third-party  developers to  access
          the  Squish base  directly, without  going through  a set  of API

          We would be  interested in hearing of any problems  that you have
          with this  product, but we  cannot provide technical  support for
          MsgAPI users.

          While we  have tried to ensure that the material provided in this
          kit  is correct,  we  also cannot  guarantee  that the  code  and
          documentation will function correctly on all systems.

          Please read the following section for information on distribution
          terms and the product warranty.

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 1


          All of the source code, header files and documentation within the
          Squish   Developers   Kit   is   copyright   1991-1994   by   SCI
          Communications.  All rights reserved.

          Distribution Policy

          Although  the  MsgAPI  code  is copyrighted,  you  are  granted a
          limited license to modify or usr MsgAPI in your own applications.

          1)   You  may  use  the  MsgAPI  code  as  part  of  any  type of
               application,  including  freeware, shareware,  or commercial
               programs.  No royalties or licensing fees are required.

          2)   This  code  must not  be  sold  on its  own.    While it  is
               permissible to sell an application that uses or contains the
               MsgAPI code, you  may not  charge any extra  fee (above  the
               base cost of the product) for just providing the user with a
               copy of the Squish Developers kit.

               Also, you may not charge any extra fee (above  the base cost
               of  the product)  for providing  Squish base  support within
               your program.

          3)   If  you use  this code  in your  application, you  must give
               credit for the MsgAPI  code and indicate that "Squish"  is a
               trademark of SCI Communications.

          4)   If you wish to identify your application as being compatible
               with the Squish  message format,  you must  ensure that  the
               original MsgAPI  code is capable  of reading and  writing to
               the message bases that are created by your program.   If the
               original  MsgAPI code is unable to read the files created by
               your  program, you  may not  label your  program as  Squish-


          No Warranty


                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 2

          OR CORRECTION.

          ANY OTHER PARTY.

          Author Contact Information

          If you  make any modifications to this code, and if you feel that
          the author would be interested in the changes, please forward the
          source code to the author.

          You can contact the author at any of the addresses listed below:

          FidoNet:    1:249/106
          CompuServe: >
          BBS:        (613) 634-3058  (V.32bis)

          Surface mail:

          777 Downing St.
          Kingston, Ont.
          Canada  K7M 5N3

          The  author can  also  be reached  through  the FidoNet  EchoMail
          conferences called  MUFFIN  (Maximus  support)  and  TUB  (Squish

          Sending correspondence via electronic mail is strongly preferred,
          and the use  of surface  mail is  discouraged.   However, if  you
          really  have to send paper mail  (and expect to receive a reply),
          please  enclose  a  self-addressed,  stamped  envelope.    (Users
          outside of  Canada should  include an international  postal reply
          coupon instead of a stamp.)


                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 3

                              MSGAPI FUNCTION REFERENCE

          This  section describes all of  the functions in  the MsgAPI that
          can be used by application programs.

          Initialization/Termination Functions


               sword MsgOpenApi(struct _minf *minf);

               The MsgOpenApi  function is  used to initialize  the MsgAPI.
               This function must  be called  before any of  the other  API
               functions  are called,  or else  the results  are undefined.
               This function  serves to initialize  any needed  structures,
               and to prepare the message bases for use.

               This  function  accepts  one  argument:    a  pointer  to  a
               structure  containing  information  about  the  application.
               This structure contains the following information:

               struct _minf
                    /* The following fields are required for all
                     * MsgAPI clients:

                    word req_version;
                    word def_zone;
                    word haveshare;

                    /* The following fields are required when
                     * req_version >= 1:

                    void OS2FAR * (MAPIENTRY *palloc)(size_t size);
                    void (MAPIENTRY *pfree)(void OS2FAR *ptr);
                    void OS2FAR * (MAPIENTRY *repalloc)(void OS2FAR *ptr,
                                                        size_t size);

                    void far * (MAPIENTRY *farpalloc)(size_t size);
                    void (MAPIENTRY *farpfree)(void far *ptr);
                    void far * (MAPIENTRY *farrepalloc)(void far *ptr,
                                                        size_t size);

               'req_version' indicates the MsgAPI  revision level that  the
               application is requesting.  The compile-time  revision level
               can always be accessed using the constant 'MSGAPI_VERSION'.

               'def_zone'  should contain  a default  FidoNet zone  number.

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 4

               Certain message systems, such as the FTSC-0001 *.MSG format,
               do not store zone  information with each message.   When the
               API  encounters such a message  and no zone  is present, the
               specified  zone will  be used  instead.   A 'def_zone'  of 0
               indicates  that nothing  is  to be  inferred about  the zone
               number of a  message, and  in that case,  the API  functions
               will return  0 as the  zone number for  any message with  an
               unknown zone.

               'haveshare' is  automatically filled in by  the internal API
               routines,  and this  flag indicates  whether or not  the DOS
               "SHARE.EXE" program  is currently  loaded.  Note  that SHARE
               must always be  loaded to  access Squish-format  bases in  a
               multitasking or network environment.  This field is not used
               in the OS/2 version of the MsgAPI.

               If 'req_version'  is more than or equal  to 1, the final six
               fields in  the  _minf structure  must  be provided.    These
               fields  are memory  allocation hooks  that MsgAPI  will call
               whenever it needs to allocate memory.  (If req_version is 0,
               or  if one  of the  function pointers  in this  structure is
               NULL,  then  MsgAPI  will  use  its  own  memory  allocation

               'palloc' is called to allocate a block of near memory.  This
               function  should  behave in  the  same  manner as  the  ANSI
               malloc() function.  If  this field is NULL, the  MsgAPI will
               use its own malloc() function.

               'pfree'  is called  to free  a block  of near memory.   This
               function should behave in the same manner as the ANSI free()
               function.  If  this field is NULL,  the MsgAPI will use  its
               own free() function.

               'repalloc' is called  to reallocate a block  of near memory.
               This function should behave  in the same manner as  the ANSI
               realloc()  function.  If this field is NULL, the MsgAPI will
               use its own realloc() function.

               'farpalloc' is called  to allocate  a block  of far  memory.
               This function should behave  in the same manner as  the ANSI
               malloc()  function,  except that  a  far  pointer should  be
               returned.  If  this field is NULL,  MsgAPI will use its  own
               malloc() function.

               'farpfree' is  called to free a  block of far  memory.  This
               function should behave in the same manner as the ANSI free()
               function,  except that a far pointer should be accepted.  If
               this field is NULL, MsgAPI will use its own free() function.

               'farrepalloc' is called to reallocate a block of far memory.
               This function should behave  in the same manner as  the ANSI

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 5

               realloc()  function, except  that  a far  pointer should  be
               accepted and returned.   If this field is NULL,  MsgAPI will
               use its own realloc() function.

               MsgOpenApi() returns a value of 0 if the  initialization was
               performed successfully, and -1 if a problem was encountered.


               sword MsgCloseApi(void);

               This  function  is used  to deinitialize  the MsgAPI.   This
               function   performs  any  clean-up   actions  which  may  be
               necessary,  including the  closing  of  files and  releasing
               allocated memory.  This function should be called before the
               application terminates.

               MsgCloseApi returns a value of 0 if the API was successfully
               deinitialized, and -1 otherwise.

          Area-Oriented Functions


               HAREA MsgOpenArea(byte *name, word mode, word type);

               This  function is  used to  open or  create a  message area.
               This function accepts three parameters:

               'name'  is  the name  of  the  message area  to  open.   The
               contents of this  string are  implementation-defined.   (See
               'type' for more information.)

               'mode' is the  mode with  which the area  should be  opened.
               Values for 'mode' are as follows:

               MSGAREA_NORMAL      Open the message area in a normal access
                                   mode.  If the  area does not exist, this
                                   function fails.

               MSGAREA_CRIFNEC     Open the message area in a normal access
                                   mode.   If the area does  not exist, the
                                   MsgAPI attempts to create  the area.  If
                                   the   area   cannot  be   created,  this
                                   function fails.

               MSGAREA_CREATE      Create  the message area.   If  the area
                                   already  exists,  it  is   truncated  or
                                   started anew  with no messages.   If the
                                   area  cannot  be created,  this function

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 6


               'type' specifies the type  of message area to open.   'type'
               can have any of the following values:

               MSGTYPE_SDM    Star  Dot   MSG  (SDM).    This  specifies  a
                              FTSC-0001  compatible  access  mode,  and  it
                              instructs  the  MsgAPI  to  create  and  read
                              Fido-compatible  messages for this  area.  If
                              MSGTYPE_SDM   is  specified,   'name'  should
                              contain the path to the *.MSG directory.

               MSGTYPE_SQUISH Squish (*.SQ?) format.   This specifies  that
                              the proprietary  Squish message format  is to
                              be used  for this  area.  'name'  should give
                              the path and root name (eight characters) for
                              the message area.

               In addition,  if the  mask 'MSGTYPE_ECHO' is  bitwise 'OR'ed
               with the 'MSGTYPE_SDM' value,  the area in question will  be
               treated as  a FidoNet-style  echomail area.   This instructs
               the MsgAPI to keep high-water mark  information in the 1.MSG
               file,  and to stop the normal  MsgAPI functions from writing
               to  the first message in  each area.   Other message formats
               have a cleaner way  of storing the high-water mark,  so this
               mask is only required for *.MSG areas.

               Other values for 'type' are currently reserved.

               If this  function succeeds in  opening the message  area, an
               HAREA  handle is returned.  This handle does not contain any
               information which  can be used  directly by the  caller; all
               interaction should be performed through the MsgAPI functions

               If  this function fails,  NULL is  returned, and  the global
               'msgapierr' variable is set to one of the following values:

               MERR_NOMEM     Not enough memory for requested task

               MERR_NOENT     The  area  did  not  exist or  could  not  be

               MERR_BADF      The message area is structurally damaged.


               sword MsgCloseArea(HAREA ha);

               This  function  serves to  "close"  a  message  area.   This
               function performs  all clean-up  actions necessary,  such as

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 7

               closing files, changing directories, and so on.

               The function  accepts one argument,  which must be  an HAREA
               handle  returned   by  the   MsgOpenArea   function.     The
               MsgCloseArea function should be  called for each area opened
               by MsgOpenArea.

               If the area was successfully closed, MsgCloseArea returns 0.
               Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and msgapierr is set to
               one of the following:

               MERR_BADH      An invalid handle was passed to the function.

               MERR_EOPEN     Messages  are still "open"  in this  area, so
                              the area could not be closed.


               sword MsgValidate(word type, byte *name);

               The  MsgValidate function  validates  a  particular  message
               area, determining whether or  not the area exists and  if it
               is valid.

               'type'  is  the type  of the  message  area, using  the same
               constants as specified for MsgOpenARea.

               'name'  is  the name  of the  message  area, using  the same
               format as specified for MsgOpenArea.

               MsgValidate  returns the value 1  if the area  exists and is
               valid.  Otherwise. MsgValidate returns 0.


               dword MsgGetHighWater(HAREA ha);

               The MsgGetHighWater function returns the 'high water marker'
               for the  current area.   This number represents  the highest
               message number  that was  processed by a  message export  or
               import utility.

               'ha' is a message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               The  high  water  marker  is   automatically  adjusted  when
               messages are killed.

               The  MsgGetHighWater function  returns the  high water  mark
               number on success, or 0 on error and sets msgapierr to:

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 8



               sword MsgSetHighWater(HAREA mh, dword hwm);

               The MsgSetHighWater  function sets  the 'high  water marker'
               for the current area.

               'ha' is a message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               'hwm' is  the new high water marker to use for the specified

               The MsgGetHighWater function  returns 0 on success, or -1 on
               error and sets msgapierr to:



               dword MsgGetCurMsg(HAREA ha);

               The  MsgGetCurMsg function  returns the  number of  the last
               message accessed with MsgOpenMsg.

               'ha' is a message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               MsgGetCurMsg returns the current  message number on success,
               or 0 if there is no current message.


               dword MsgGetNumMsg(HAREA ha);

               The MsgGetNumMsg function returns  the number of messages in
               the current  message area.   On error,  MsgGetNumMsg returns
               (dword)-1 and sets msgapierr to:



               dword MsgGetHighMsg(HAREA mh);

               The MsgGetHighMsg function returns the number of the highest
               message  in the  specified  area.   On error,  MsgGetHighMsg
               returns (dword)-1 and sets msgapierr to:

                      Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 9



               sword MsgLock(HAREA ha);

               The MsgLock  function 'locks'  a message area  for exclusive
               access.   This  function may  enable buffering  or otherwise
               improve performance, so it is advised that MsgLock be called
               if speed is a concern when accessing the area.

               All  of the  MsgAPI  functions  automatically  perform  file
               locking  and sharing  internally, so  this function  is only
               required when high performance is necessary.

               'ha'  is  a   message  area  handle,  as   returned  by  the
               MsgOpenArea function.

               MsgLock  returns 0 on success.  On error, MsgLock returns -1
               and sets msgapierr to one of the following:



               sword MsgUnlock(HAREA ha);

               The  MsgUnlock function unlocks  a previously-locked message

               'ha' is a message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               MsgUnlock  returns 0 on success,  or it returns  -1 on error
               and sets msgapierr to:



               sword MsgInvalidHarea(HAREA ha);

               The MsgInvalidHarea  function tests  the given  message area
               handle for validity.  If the message area handle is invalid,
               this function returns TRUE  and sets msgapierr to MERR_BADH.
               Otherwise, a value of FALSE will be returned. returned.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 10

          Message-Oriented Functions


               HMSG MsgOpenMsg(HAREA mh, word mode, dword msgn);

               This function "opens" a  message for access, and it  must be
               used to read from or write to a given message.

               The function accepts three arguments:

               'mh'  is  a   message  area  handle,  as   returned  by  the
               MsgOpenArea function.

               'mode'  is an access  flag, containing one  of the following
               manifest constants:

               MOPEN_CREATE   Create a new message.   This mode should only
                              be used for creating new messages.

               MOPEN_READ     Open an existing message for reading ONLY.

               MOPEN_WRITE    Open an existing message for writing ONLY.

               MOPEN_RW       Open  an existing  message  for  reading  AND

               'msgn' is the specified message number to open.  If  mode is
               either  MOPEN_READ,  MOPEN_WRITE  or MOPEN_RW,  the  message
               number  must currently exist in the specified area.  If mode
               is  set to MOPEN_CREATE, a  value of 0  for 'msgn' indicates
               that  a new message should be created, and assigned a number
               one higher than the  current highest message.  If  'msgn' is
               non-zero,  but  MOPEN_CREATE is  set  to  the  number  of  a
               currently-existing  message, the  specified message  will be
               truncated and the new message will take its place.

               For MOPEN_READ or MOPEN_RW, the following constants can also
               be passed in place of 'msgn':

               MSGNUM_CUR     Open the last message  which was accessed  by

               MSGNUM_PREV    Open the  message prior to  the last  message
                              accessed by MsgOpenMsg.

               MSGNUM_NEXT    Open  the  message  after  the  last  message
                              accessed by MsgOpenMsg.

               The  MsgAPI maintains the number of  the last message opened
               by  MsgOpenMsg,   which  is  used   when  processing   these
               constants.  (See also MsgGetCurMsg.)

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 11

               If  the  message  was successfully  opened,  the  MsgOpenMsg
               function will return a  HMSG handle.  Otherwise, a  value of
               NULL is returned, and  msgapierr will be set  to one of  the



               sword MsgCloseMsg(HMSG hmsg);

               The MsgCloseMsg  function serves to "close"  a message which
               has  been previously  opened  by MsgOpenMsg.   All  messages
               should be closed after use, or else data loss may result.

               This  function  accepts  a  single argument,  which  is  the
               message handle that was returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               If  the  message  was  successfully  closed,  this  function
               returns  0.   Otherwise,  a value  of  -1 is  returned,  and
               msgapierr is set to:



               dword MsgReadMsg(HMSG hmsg, dword ofs, dword bytes,
                                byte *text, dword cbyt, byte *ctxt);

               The MsgReadMsg function is used to read a message from disk.
               This function  can be used to  read all parts of  a message,
               including  the message  header,  message  body, and  control

               'hmsg' is  a message handle,  as returned by  the MsgOpenMsg
               function.   The message  in question must  have been  opened
               with a mode of either MOPEN_READ or MOPEN_RW.

               'msg' is a pointer to an XMSG  (extended message) structure.
               The format of this structure is detailed in the "Squish File
               Format Specification"  section, but  it contains all  of the
               message  information that  is found  in the  message header,
               including  the  to/from/subject   fields,  origination   and
               arrival dates, 4D origination and destination addresses, and
               so forth.   (See the appendices for specific  information on
               the XMSG structure  itself.)  If  the application wishes  to

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 12

               read  the header  of a given  message, this  argument should
               point to an XMSG structure.  Otherwise, this argument should
               be  NULL, which informs the API that the message header does
               not need to be read.

               'ofs'  is used for  reading message text  in a multiple-pass
               environment.  This  defines the offset  in the message  body
               from which the API  should start reading.  To  start reading
               from the beginning  of the message, a value of  0L should be
               given.  Otherwise,  the offset into  the message (in  bytes)
               should  be given for this argument.  If the application does
               not wish to read  the message body, this argument  should be
               set to 0L.

               'bytes'  represents the maximum number of bytes to read from
               the message.  Fewer bytes may be read, but the API will read
               no more than  'bytes' during  this call.   (See 'text',  and
               also this function's return value.)  If the application does
               not wish to read  the message body, this argument  should be
               set to 0L.

               'text' is a pointer to a block of memory, into which the API
               will place the message body.  The message body will be  read
               from the position  specified by  'ofs', up to  a maximum  of
               'bytes' bytes.  If the application does not wish to read the
               message body, this argument should be set to NULL.

               'cbyt'  represents the  maximum number  of bytes  of control
               information to read from the message.

               'ctxt' is a pointer to a block of memory, into which the API
               will place  the message control  information.  No  more than
               'cbyt'  bytes of control information will be placed into the
               buffer.   NOTE: unlike  the message text  functions, control
               information can only be read in one pass.

               The  text read by this  function is free-form.   The message
               body may or may not contain control characters, NULs, or any
               other sequence  of characters.  Messages  are simply treated
               as a block of bytes, with no interpretation whatsoever.

               In FidoNet areas, the  message body consists of one  or more
               paragraphs of text.   Each paragraph is delimited by  a hard
               carriage return, '\r', or  ASCII 13.  Each paragraph  can be
               of  any  length,  so  the text  should  be  wordwrapped onto
               logical lines  before being displayed.  If  created by older
               applications, paragraphs  may also contain  linefeeds ('\n')
               and soft returns ('\x8d') at the end of each line, but these
               are optional and should always be ignored.

               As  an example, assume that the following stream of text was
               returned by MsgReadMsg():

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 13

               "Hi!\r\rHow's  it   going?    I  got  the   new  MsgAPI  kit
               today!\r\rAnyhow, gotta run!"

               The "\r" marks  are carriage returns,  so they indicate  the
               end of a  paragraph.   Notice that the  second paragraph  is
               fairly long, so  it might have to be  wordwrapped, depending
               on the screen  width.  Your  application might wordwrap  the
               text  to  make it  look  like  this, if  using  a window  40
               characters wide:

                    ³ Hi!                                   ³
                    ³                                       ³
                    ³ How's it going?  I got the new MsgAPI ³
                    ³ kit today!                            ³
                    ³                                       ³
                    ³ Anyhow, gotta run!                    ³

               Paragraphs should  always be wordwrapped by the application,
               regardless  of the  screen/window  size.   When parsing  the
               message text, linefeeds and  soft carriage returns should be
               simply skipped.

               The  'message  control  information'  has  a  somewhat  more
               restricted format.  The control information is passed to the
               application  in the form of  an ASCIIZ string.   The control
               information  is  a  variable-length  string  of  text  which
               contains information  not found in the  (fixed-size) message

               The format of control information is given by  the following
               regular expression:


               A 'group' consists of a <SOH> and a control item.

               <SOH> is the  Start Of Header  character, or ASCII 01.   All
               control information strings must  begin with an SOH, whether
               or not control items are present.

               Following the <SOH> is a control item.  A    control    item
               consists of  a string  which describes  the type  of control
               item, or it may consist of nothing.

               At least  one group must be  present in each message.   If a
               message has no extra  control information, this field should
               consists of a <SOH> followed by a single <NUL>.

               Although  the control  items  are free-form,  the  following
               format is suggested:

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 14

               <SOH>tag: value

               where 'tag' is a descriptive identifier, describing the type
               of  field  that  the item  represents.    'value' is  simply
               free-form text,  which continues up  until the  next SOH  or

               The  character set for the  tag and value  consists of those
               characters in the range 2-255, inclusive.

               As an  example, a message  might have the  following control

               <SOH>CHARSET: LATIN1<SOH>REALNAME: Mark Twain<NUL>

               The trailing <NUL> byte  must be included in the  read count
               given by 'cbyt'.

               The  return value for this  function is the  number of bytes
               read from the message body.   If    no    characters    were
               requested, this function returns 0.

               On  error, the function returns -1 and sets msgapierr to one
               of the following:



               sword MsgWriteMsg(HMSG hmsg, word fAppend, PXMSG msg,
                                 byte *text, dword textlen, dword totlen,
                                 dword clen, byte *ctxt);

               The  MsgWriteMsg  function  is  used to  write  the  message
               header, body, and control information to a message.

               'hmsg' is a  message handle, as  returned by the  MsgOpenMsg
               function.  The  message must have been opened with a mode of

               'fAppend' is  a boolean  flag, indicating  the state  of the
               message body.  If 'append' is zero, then the API will  write
               the  message body  starting at offset  zero.   Otherwise, if
               'append' is non-zero, the API will continue writing from the
               offset used by the last MsgWriteMsg call.  This flag applies
               to the message body only; if no text is to be written to the
               body, this argument should be set to 0.

               'msg' is a pointer to an XMSG structure.  If this pointer is

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 15

               non-NULL,  then MsgWriteMsg  will place  the XMSG  structure
               information into  the message's  physical header.   To leave
               the header unmodified, NULL should be passed for 'msg'.


               'text'  points to  an array  of bytes  to be written  to the
               message body.   If no text  is to be written,  this argument
               should be NULL.

               'textlen' indicates the number of bytes to be written to the
               message  body in this pass of the MsgWriteMsg function.  The
               text  is free-format, and it can  consist of any characters,
               including NULs  and control characters.   If the application
               does  not wish to  update the  message body,  a value  of 0L
               should be passed for this argument.

               'totlen'  indicates the  total length of  the message  to be
               written.   This differs from  'textlen' in that  the message
               may  be written  a piece  at a  time (using  small 'textlen'
               values), but the total length of the message will not exceed
               'totlen'.   This parameter  can be somewhat  restrictive for
               the application; however, this value is required for optimal
               use of some message base types.  The 'totlen' value does not
               have  to  be  the exact  length  of  the  message to  write;
               however, space may be wasted if this value is not reasonably
               close  to the actual length  of the message.   The rationale
               behind this argument  is that  it gives the  API writer  the
               most flexibility, in terms of supporting future message base
               formats.  If the application can provide this information to
               the  API,  then  almost  any  message  base  format  can  be
               supported by simply dropping in a new API module or DLL.

               To  write text  by making  multiple passes,  the FIRST  pass
               should  call MsgWriteMsg with  'append' set  to 0,  with the
               total length of the  message in 'totlen', and the  length of
               'text' in  textlen.  Second and subsequent passes should set
               'append' to 1, with the length of 'text' in textlen.

               If  the application does not wish to update the message body
               of an existing  message, a value of 0L should  be passed for
               this argument.

               This argument MUST be specified during the first call to the
               MsgWriteMsg when  using a mode of MOPEN_CREATE,  even if the
               first  call is  not  requesting  any  text  to  be  written.
               However, this  value will be stored  internally, and ignored
               on the second and later calls.

               When  operating  on  a  preexisting  message  (opened   with
               MOPEN_WRITE or MOPEN_RW), it is an error to specify a length

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 16

               in 'totlen' which is greater than the original length of the

               'clen'   specifies   the  total   length   of  the   control
               information,  including the trailing NUL byte.   To write no
               control information, a value of 0L should be passed for this

               'ctxt' is a pointer  to the control information string.   To
               write no control information, a value of 0L should be passed
               for this argument.

               N.B.    Several  restrictions   apply  to  writing   control

               First and foremost, control  information can only be written
               once.   If  the control  information is  to be  changed, the
               message must be read and copied to another message.

               Secondly,  control  information  MUST be  written  during or
               before MsgWriteMsg  is  called with  information  about  the
               message body.

               MsgWriteMsg returns a value of 0 on success, or -1 on error.
               If an error occurred,  msgapierr will be set  to one of  the
               following values:



               sword MsgKillMsg(HAREA ha, dword msgnum);

               The MsgKillMsg function is used to delete a message from the
               specified message area.

               'ha' is a message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               'msgnum' specifies the message number to kill.

               It is an error to kill a message which is currently open.

               MsgKillMsg  returns   a  value  of  0  if  the  message  was
               successfully  killed, or  it returns  -1 on  error and  sets
               msgapierr to one of the following:


                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 17



               dword MsgGetCurPos(HMSG hmsg);

               The  MsgGetCurPos function retrieves  the 'current position'
               of  a message handle.  This position is where the MsgReadMsg
               would read text from the message body next.

               'hmsg' is a message handle, as returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               MsgGetCurPos returns the offset into the message on success,
               or (dword)-1 on error and sets msgapierr to:



               sword MsgSetCurPos(HMSG hmsg, dword pos);

               The MsgSetCurPos  function sets the 'current  position' in a
               message handle.  This position is used by MsgReadMsg to read
               text from the message body.

               'hmsg' is a message handle, as returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               'pos' is the  number of  bytes into the  message from  which
               MsgReadMsg should start reading.

               MsgSetCurPos returns 0 on  success, or -1 on error  and sets
               msgapierr to:



               dword MsgGetTextLen(HMSG hmsg);

               The  MsgGetTextLen  function  retrieves  the  length  of the
               message body for the specified message.

               'hmsg' is a message handle, as returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               MsgGetTextLen returns the length of the body on success.  On
               error, it returns (dword)-1 and sets msgapierr to:


                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 18


               dword MsgGetCtrlLen(HMSG hmsg);

               The  MsgGetCtrlLen function  retrieves  the  length  of  the
               control information for the specified message.

               'hmsg' is a message handle, as returned by MsgOpenMsg.

               MsgGetCtrlLen  returns the length of the control information
               on  success.    On  error, it  returns  (dword)-1  and  sets
               msgapierr to:



               sword MsgInvalidHmsg(HMSG hmsg);

               The MsgInvalidHmsg  function tests the given  message handle
               for validity.  If  the message area handle is  invalid, this
               function  returns  TRUE  and sets  msgapierr  to  MERR_BADH.
               Otherwise, a value of FALSE will be returned. returned.

          UMSGID Translation Functions


               UMSGID MsgMsgnToUid(HAREA ha, dword msgnum);

               The  MsgMsgnToUid function  converts a  message number  to a
               'unique message ID', or  UMSGID.  This function can  be used
               to  maintain  pointers  to  an  'absolute'  message  number,
               regardless  of  whether or  not  the area  is  renumbered or
               packed.  The MsgMsgnToUid function converts a message number
               to  a UMSGID,  and the  MsgUidToMsgn function  converts that
               UMSGID back to a message number.

               'mh' is the message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               'msgnum' is the message number to convert.

               MsgMsgnToUid  returns  a UMSGID  on  success; otherwise,  it
               returns 0 and sets msgapierr to:


                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 19


               dword MsgUidToMsgn(HAREA ha, UMSGID umsgid, word type);

               The  MsgUidToMsgn function  converts a  UMSGID to  a message

               'ha' is the message area handle, as returned by MsgOpenArea.

               'umsgid'  is  the UMSGID,  as returned  by  a prior  call to

               'type' is  the type of conversion to perform.  'type' can be
               any of the following values:

               UID_EXACT      Return  the message number represented by the
                              UMSGID, or 0 if the message no longer exists.

               UID_PREV       Return  the message number represented by the
                              UMSGID.  If the message no longer exists, the
                              number  of  the  preceding  message  will  be

               UID_NEXT       Return the message number represented  by the
                              UMSGID.  If the message no longer exists, the
                              number  of  the  following  message  will  be

               If no valid message  could be found, MsgUidToMsgn returns  0
               and sets msgapierr to one of the following:


          CtrlInfo Manipulation Functions


               byte *MsgGetCtrlToken(char *szCtrlInfo, char *szTag);

               The  MsgGetCtrlToken  function  finds  a  specified  control
               information tag in a message's control information buffer.

               'szCtrlInfo'   is  the  control  information  buffer  for  a
               message, using the format described for MsgReadMsg.

               'szTag'  is the name  of the  tag to  be extracted  from the
               control  information buffer.    (For example,  tags such  as
               "FMPT ", "MSGID:" or "REPLY:" can be specified.)

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 20

               If  the tag is found in szCtrlInfo, the function allocates a
               new block  of memory and copies  the tag to  that new block.
               The  address of  the new  block is  returned to  the caller.
               (The returned address should  be freed later with a  call to

               If the tag is not found in szCtrlInfo, this function returns

               For  example,  given  a  szCtrlInfo  buffer  that  initially
               contains the following text:

               <SOH>REALNAME: John Doe<SOH>FMPT 24<SOH>TOPT 6<SOH>

               A call  to MsgGetCtrlToken(szBuf, "FMPT ")  would return the
               string "FMPT 24".  After the call, szCtrlInfo would contain:

               <SOH>REALNAME: John Doe<SOH>TOPT 6<SOH>


               void MsgFreeCtrlToken(byte *szCtrlToken);

               The MsgFreeCtrlToken function frees a control token that was
               returned by a  call to MsgGetCtrlToken.   This function must
               be  called  to  release  memory  that  is allocated  by  the
               MsgGetCtrlToken function.

               'szCtrlToken'  is  the  return  value of  a  prior  call  to


               void MsgRemoveToken(byte *szCtrlInfo, byte *szTag);

               The  MsgRemoveToken  function  removes a  specified  control
               token from a control information  buffer.  The existing text
               in the buffer is shifted over such that no gaps  are left in
               the buffer.

               'szCtrlInfo'  is a  control  information  buffer, using  the
               format specified in the description for MsgReadMsg.


               word MsgGetNumKludges(byte *szCtrlInfo);

               The  MsgGetNumKludges function  returns  the number  of tags
               contained in the control information buffer.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 21

               'szCtrlInfo'  is a  control  information  buffer, using  the
               format specified in the description for MsgReadMsg.

               For  example,  given a  control  information  buffer of  the
               following format:

               <SOH>TAG1: ABC<SOH>TAG2: DEF<SOH>TAG3: GHI<SOH>

               MsgGetNumKludges  would return  a  value of  3, since  three
               separate tags exist within the control information buffer.


               void MsgCvt4D(byte *szCtrlInfo, NETADDR *orig,
                             NETADDR *dest);

               The   MsgCvt4D   function  converts   FidoNet-style  control
               information (namely, the  FMPT, TOPT and  INTL tags) into  a
               proper  4D address.    Messages are  also un-gaterouted,  if
               necessary.   After each tag is converted, it is removed from
               the control information.

               Most normal applications will not need to use this function.
               MsgCvt4D  is usually  only used by  tosser/scanner programs.
               (The  MsgAPI automatically  handles  4D address  conversions
               when writing to *.MSG areas.)

               'szCtrlInfo'  specifies the  buffer containing  the original
               control information for the message.

               'orig'  points to  a NETADDR  structure containing  the two-
               dimensional  origination  address  of  the message.    (This
               information is normally  extracted from the  2D header of  a
               FTS-0001 packet.)

               'dest'  points to  a NETADDR  structure containing  the two-
               dimensional  destination  address  of the  message.    (This
               information is  normally extracted from  the 2D header  of a
               FTS-0001 packet.)

               On output, the 'orig' and 'dest' parameters are updated with
               zone and point information  from the control information, if

               For  example,  if the  following  parameters  were given  as

               orig = {0, 249, 106, 0}  /* zone and point fields are 0 */
               dest = {0, 254, 1, 0}    /* zone and point fields are 0 */

               szCtrlInfo  =  <SOH>FMPT   4<SOH>TOPT  6<SOH>INTL:   2:254/1

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 22

               1:249/106<SOH>REALNAME: John Doe<SOH>

               A  call to  MsgCvt4D would  result in  the parameters  being
               updated as follows:

               orig = {1, 249, 106, 4}
               dest = {2, 254, 1, 6}
               szCtrlInfo = <SOH>REALNAME: John Doe<SOH>


               char *MsgCreateCtrlBuf(char *szKludgeText,
                                      char **pszEndText,
                                      unsigned *puiLength);

               The MsgCreateCtrlBuf function is used to convert an array of
               FidoNet-style  "kludge  lines"  (as  per  FTS-0001)  into  a
               control information buffer.  Most  application programs will
               not need to use this function.

               MsgCreateCtrlBuf is normally used by tosser/scanner programs
               that need to directly manipulate FTS-0001 *.PKT files.  Most
               applications will not need to use this function.

               'szKludgeText' points to the buffer containing the beginning
               of an  FTS-0001 style  message body.   MsgCreateCtrlBuf will
               extract all of the control information from this buffer,  up
               until   the  first   non-blank   and   non-kludge  line   is

               'pszEndText' should  be a pointer  to a  'char *'  variable.
               When MsgCreateCtrlBuf returns, the given variable will point
               to  the  first   byte  of  the  text  following  the  kludge
               information.   (In most cases, this will be the beginning of
               the FTS-0001 style message body.)

               'puiLength'  is a  pointer to  a variable that  contains the
               length of  the message buffer pointed  to by 'szKludgeText'.
               On return, this variable will be updated to reflect the real
               length of the message body, not counting the kludge lines at
               the beginning of the text.

               This function returns a pointer to the newly-created control
               information buffer.  This buffer should be freed with a call
               to MsgFreeCtrlBuf.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 23


               char *MsgCvtCtrlToKludge(char *szCtrlInfo);

               The MsgCvtCtrlToKludge function  converts a body of  control
               information lines  to an  equivalent set of  FTS-0001 kludge

               MsgCvtCtrlToKludge  is  normally   used  by   tosser/scanner
               programs  that need  to directly  manipulate FTS-0001  *.PKT
               files.    Most  applications  will  not  need  to  use  this

               'szCtrlInfo' is  a buffer of control  information, using the
               format given in the MsgReadMsg description.

               This function returns  a pointer  to a new  block of  memory
               containing  the FTS-0001  style kludge  lines.   This buffer
               should be freed with a call to MsgFreeCtrlBuf.


               void MsgFreeCtrlBuf(byte *szCtrlBuf);

               The  MsgFreeCtrlBuf function  is  used to  free the  control
               buffers  which are allocated  by the  MsgCvtCtrlToKludge and
               MsgCreateCtrlBuf functions.

               'szCtrlBuf'  is  the  return  value  of   a  prior  call  to
               MsgCvtCtrlToKludge or MsgCreateCtrlBuf.

          Squish-Specific Functions


               dword SquishHash(byte *szTxt);

               The  SquishHash function is used  to calculate a  hash for a
               "To:" field in a message.

               'szTxt' is a pointer to the To: field of a message.

               The algorithm used  to calculate this  hash is described  in
               the "Index File Format" subsection of the Squish File Format
               Specification (contained later in this document).

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 24


               dword SquishSetMaxMsg(HAREA ha, dword dwMaxMsg, 
                                     dword dwSkipMsg, dword dwMaxDays);

               The  SquishSetMaxMsg function  is used  to set  the "maximum
               messages", "skip messages" and "maximum age" parameters in a
               Squish-format base.

               'ha'  is a  Squish area handle,  as returned  by MsgOpenMsg.
               'ha' must be a handle for a Squish-format message area.

               'dwMaxMsg' is the  maximum number  of messages  to allow  in
               this area.

               'dwSkipMsg' is  the  number  of messages  to  skip  (at  the
               beginning  of   the  base)  before   automatically  deleting

               'dwMaxDays' is the maximum  age (in days) of messages  to be
               kept in the message base.

          API Changes from MsgAPI Version 0

          1)   Renamed the msg.ftsc_date field to msg.__ftsc_date.  Most of
               the  developers whoa  re currently  using this  field should
               actually  be using the binary  dates.  See  the comments for
               the __ftsc_date field in MSGAPI.H for more information.

          2)   For compatibility with Windows, the MSG  and MSGH names have
               been  changed.  The old-style  ones will still  be there for
               compatibility, but  the API defaults to  using HAREA instead
               of MSG*, and HMSG instead of MSGH*.  If you wish to turn off
               the old  definitions because they conflict  with your source
               files or  the  Windows headers,  define  MSGAPI_NO_OLD_TYPES
               before including msgapi.h.

          3)   Renamed   the  InvalidMsgh   and  InvalidMsg   functions  to
               MsgInvalidHarea   and   MsgInvalidHmsg,  making   them  more
               consistent  with  the  other  API  names.    Also fixed  the
               documented return codes for these functions.

          4)   A  few  slight changes  were  made  to the  XMSG  structure.
               Notably, now only 9 reply links are supported, and the field
               that  used to  hold the  tenth reply  link  is now  used for
               storing a message's UMSGID.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 25

                             BUILDING MSGAPI APPLICATIONS

          Source File Requirements

          Any code which uses the MsgAPI must include the following line at
          the top of each source file:

                  #include "msgapi.h"

          If the MsgAPI source  is not installed in the  current directory,
          you should add the  MsgAPI directory to your compiler's  "include
          path" before trying to compile an application.

          Programmers who are using MsgAPI with Windows should make sure to
          define  the "MSGAPI_NO_OLD_TYPES"  constant before  including the
          msgapi.h  header.   Older versions  of the  MsgAPI  used typedefs
          which  were incompatible  with Windows,  and this  macro must  be
          defined to stop MsgAPI from using the old typedef names.

          For information  on using the  MsgAPI function calls,  please see
          the section  entitled "MsgAPI Function Reference".   This section
          contains  a complete list of function calls in the API, including
          formal parameters, notes on operation, and return codes.

          If you are using TC++ or BC++, make sure that your application is
          compiled in "C mode".  MsgAPI  was not designed for use with C++.
          (In  the TC++  IDE,  set Options/Compiler/C++  to "CPP  extension
          only".  For the command-line compiler, make sure that you are NOT
          using the "-P" switch.)

          Also,  the  distribution TC++/BC++  and  WC  libraries have  been
          compiled without overlay support.  If you  wish to use the WATCOM
          or Borland  overlay  managers, you  will  have to  recompile  the
          MsgAPI source with overlay support.

          Compiling Source Files

          No special requirements are  necessary for compiling source files
          for the DOS version of MsgAPI.  However, make sure  to select the
          LARGE  memory model when compiling your application.  If you wish
          to create an application using a different memory model, you will
          have to recompile the MsgAPI code.

          For compiling OS/2 applications that  use MsgAPI, make sure  that
          the  "OS_2" macro is defined  on the compiler  command-line.  The
          MsgAPI uses a different set of calling conventions under OS/2, so
          all of your code must be compiled with the OS_2 macro defined.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 26

          Linking Your Application

          This package already includes pre-made  libraries for a number of
          compilers, all built using the large memory model.

          Under  DOS, the  MsgAPI library  is  statically linked  with each
          application.  To  link with the  MsgAPI routines, simply  specify
          the required library file when linking.  For example:

          TLINK (Borland C, DOS):

               tlink \bc\lib\c0l myapp,myapp,nul,bc_dos_l \bc\lib\cl

          TLINK (Turbo C, DOS):

               tlink \tc\lib\c0l myapp,myapp,nul,tc_dos_l \tc\lib\cl

          WLINK (16-bit DOS):

               wlink file myapp lib wc_dos_l name myapp

          WLINK (32-bit DOS):

               wlink file myapp lib wc_dos_f name myapp

          LINK (DOS):

               link myapp,myapp,nul,mc_dos_l;

          If  using the  TC++  or BC++  IDE,  simply declare  the  required
          library  as part of your project file.   If you are using TC++ or
          BC++  from  the command  line, you  can specify  the name  of the
          library after your source module, like this:

          tcc -ml myapp.c tc_dos_l.lib

          Under OS/2, the MsgAPI code is distributed as a DLL (dynamic link
          library).  To use this code in your application, simply link with
          the DLL16.LIB import  library (for 16-bit code)  or the DLL32.LIB
          import  library  (for 32-bit  code).    16-bit OS/2  applications
          should also be compiled in the large memory model.

          After ensuring  that MSGAPI.DLL  and/or MSGAPI32.DLL are  on your
          LIBPATH, your application should be ready to run.

          If you wish to use  the default libraries and memory  models, you
          do  not  need  any of  the  *.c  files in  the  source directory.
          However, you must still  retain all *.h header files,  since they
          are required when compiling your application.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 27

          Building the Sample Applications

          The  SAMPLES subdirectory  contains a  number of  sample programs
          that use the  MsgAPI.  The  commands given below  can be used  to
          make the samples using the supported compilers:

          Compiler       OS        Command

          WATCOM C/16    DOS       wmake -u -f makefile.wcd
          WATCOM C/16    OS/2      wmake -u -f makefile.wco

          WATCOM C/32    DOS       wmake -u -f makefile.w3d
          WATCOM C/32    OS/2      wmake -u -f makefile.w3o

          Microsoft C    DOS       nmake -f
          Microsoft C    OS/2      nmake -f makefile.mco

          Turbo C        DOS       make -fmakefile.tcd

          Borland C      DOS       make -fmakefile.bcd

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 28

                              BUILDING THE MSGAPI SOURCE

          The MsgAPI sources have been tested with the following compilers:

               WATCOM C/16 9.5     (DOS and OS/2)
               WATCOM C/32 9.5     (DOS and OS/2)
               Microsoft C 6.0     (DOS and OS/2)
               Turbo C 2.0         (DOS only)
               Borland C++ 3.1     (DOS only)

          In addition,  either the Microsoft Macro Assembler or the Borland
          Turbo Assembler is required to build the MsgAPI source.

          Other versions of these compilers (or compilers made by different
          vendors)  may also work, but  only the compilers  above have been
          tested.   The code works  with both 16-bit  and 32-bit compilers.
          (However,  if you  add support  for a  compiler from  a different
          vendor, you will probably have to modify h\compiler.h.)

          To recompile the MsgAPI  source, simply edit the MAKEFILE  within
          the SRC directory.  Sample definitions have been provided for all
          of the supported compilers.

          The makefile included in this package should work with almost any
          make utility.   This  makefile has  been successfully used  under
          Borland's MAKE, Microsoft's  NMAKE, WATCOM's WMAKE, and  Vadura's

          Warning!   WMAKE users must use the "-u" command-line option when
          running WMAKE.EXE.   By default,  WMAKE uses a  non-standard line
          continuation  character, so  the makefile  will not  be processed
          correctly unless the "-u" option is used.

          By  default, the makefile  is set up  to compile for  WATCOM C/16
          9.5.   To select another compiler,  comment out all  of the WC/16
          definitions and uncomment those that pertain to your compiler.

          Having made the appropriate  modifications, simply type "make" to
          rebuild the appropriate msgapi*.lib or msgapi*.dll file.

          Under  DOS,  the  "MODEL="  directive  at  the  beginning of  the
          makefile can  also be used  to instruct  the compiler to  build a
          MsgAPI library for  one of  the following memory  models.   MODEL
          should be set to one of the following values:

               s    Small
               m    Medium
               c    Compact
               l    Large

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 29

                                 OS/2 DLL DEVELOPMENT

          The files  in the FEATURES subdirectory  contains everything that
          is required to write third-party extensions for Squish.  

          This  developers kit includes  the source for  two sample feature
          DLLs.    These  DLLs   are  not  part  of  the   standard  Squish
          distribution, nor are  they supported  in any manner.   They  are
          simply included to provide examples  and to give a  demonstration
          of feature DLL programming.

          Sample Feature DLLs


          The  first sample DLL is  "KillrCat", a message filtering program
          that  selectively  deletes messages  based  on  a set  of  search
          criteria.    The  following can  be  added  to  the top  of  your
          SQUISH.CFG for a demonstration of KillrCat's capabilities:

               ; The Feature and/or Feature32 keywords tell Squish to load
               ; KILLRCAT and/or KILLRC32.

               Feature   KillrCat
               Feature32 KillrC32

               ; Keyword:
               ; KillrCat      <where> <echo_tag>      <text>
               ; <where>:      t = to
               ;               f = from
               ;               s = subject
               ;               b = body
               ; Any combination of the above flags are permitted.
               ; <echo_tag> is the tag of the echo area.
               ; <text> is the text to find.

               KillrCat  b    sysop249       Node Diff announcement
               KillrCat  s    sysop249       Nodediff announcement
               KillrCat  sb   users249       Latest Versions'n Stuff
               KillrCat  sb   users249       Fidonews!
               KillrCat  b    netmail        File request generated by AMAX

          When KillrCat find a message that matches the specified criteria,
          it diverts  the  message from  its usual  area and  places it  in
          BAD_MSGS.   If you don't want  to see these messages  at all, fix
          KILLRCAT.C and  use the  "delete message" bitmask  in the  return

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 30


          The other sample DLL is a message bouncer.  This bouncer requires
          a version 7 nodelist to work properly.   Try adding the following
          to your SQUISH.CFG for a demonstration:

               Feature   Msgtrack
               Feature32 Msgtra32

               ; Path and name of nodelist

               Msgtrack Nodelist   <filename>

               ; Delete bounced messages
               ;Msgtrack Kill

          When  packing  netmail, this  bouncer  will automatically  return
          messages to the originating node if the destination is not listed
          in the nodelist.

          <filename> should be  the name  of the NODEX.DAT  file from  your
          version 7 nodelist.

          The optional  "Msgtrack Kill" line instructs  the message bouncer
          to  delete messages after they  have been bounced.   (By default,
          Squish just marks a  bounced message as "Sent" and  "Orphan", but
          the message is left in the netmail area.)

          Feature DLL Programming Interface

          FEATURES.LZH includes a  sample TEMPLATE.C file that can  be used
          as a template for writing feature DLLs.

          A feature DLL must start with the following lines:

               #define INCL_DOS
               #include <os2.h>
               #include "sqfeat.h"

          os2.h  is the standard OS/2  include file, as  distributed in the
          OS/2 toolkit.  (For 16-bit feature DLLs,  the OS/2 1.x toolkit is
          required.   For  32-bit  feature DLLs,  an  OS/2 2.x  toolkit  is

          sqfeat.h  is  the  feature  DLL  include  file.    This  contains
          definitions and typedefs necessary to write a Squish feature DLL.

          Each  feature  DLL must  contain a  number  of functions.   These
          functions are  used as  hooks when Squish  is performing  certain

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 31

          All of the hook functions must be exported by name,  and they all
          must use  the pascal calling convention.  The "FEATENTRY" keyword
          automatically defines all of these attributes.)

          The following functions must be present in every feature DLL:


               This function is responsible for performing feature-specific
               initializations.   FeatureInit()  is called  as soon  as the
               Feature or Feature32 keyword is encountered in SQUISH.CFG.

               This function is passed a pointer to a _feat_init structure.
               The structure contains the following fields:

               struct_len     The length of the _feat_init structure

               szConfigName   The name of the DLL.   This should be  filled
                              in by the FeatureInit() function.   This name
                              is  be  used   for  adding   feature-specific
                              configuration options to SQUISH.CFG.

                              When    Squish    encounters    an    unknown
                              configuration line, it first checks to see if
                              the first  word matches  any  of the  feature
                              DLLs, as given in the szConfigName field.  If
                              a match is found,  the configuration line  is
                              passed to the DLL's FeatConfig function.

               pfnLogMsg      A  pointer  to  the  Squish  logging routine.
                              This field is filled in by Squish itself.  If
                              the  feature DLL  needs to  add lines  to the
                              Squish log, this function pointer can be used
                              to access the system log function.

                              The FeatInit() function should save a copy of
                              the  pfnLogMsg  field in  a  global variable,
                              such that  the other Feat...()  functions can
                              create log entries when necessary.

               ulFlag         This flag contains a bitmask that Squish uses
                              to  optimize calls made  to the  feature DLL.
                              FeatInit()   should  initialize   this  field
                              before returning to the caller.

                              Any  or all  of  the following  flags can  be
                              combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|"):

                              FFLAG_NETSENT       Only call FeatNetMsg when
                                                  packing  a  message  that
                                                  does  not  have the  SENT
                                                  bit set.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 32

                              FFLAG_NETTOUS       Only call FeatNetMsg when
                                                  packing  a message  which
                                                  is  addressed  to one  of
                                                  our  addresses,  as given
                                                  in SQUISH.CFG.

                              FFLAG_NETRECD       Only call FeatNetMsg when
                                                  packing  a  message  that
                                                  does    not   have    the
                                                  RECEIVED bit set.

                              FFLAG_NETNOTTOUS    Only call FeatNetMsg when
                                                  packing a message that is
                                                  NOT  addressed to  one of
                                                  our  addresses, as  given
                                                  in SQUISH.CFG.

                              If this  field  is given  a value  of 0,  the
                              FeatNetMsg  function  will  be called  before
                              packing every netmail message.


               This   function  is   called  whenever   a  feature-specific
               configuration  line is  encountered.   Feature DLLs  can use
               this function to process  application-specific configuration
               information from SQUISH.CFG.

               This  function  is  passed   a  pointer  to  a  _feat_config
               structure.  The structure contains the following fields:

               struct_len     This   field  contains  the   length  of  the
                              _feat_config structure.

               szConfigLine   This field  contains the line just  read from
                              SQUISH.CFG.   The  first  word on  this  line
                              matches  the  szConfigName  value   that  was
                              placed   in   the  _feat_init   structure  by

               ppszArgs       This  field  contains  a standard  argv-style
                              variable,  pointing to a tokenized version of
                              szConfigLine.  The first word on szConfigLine
                              can  be accessed  as ppszArgs[0];  the second
                              word can be  accessed as ppszArgs[1];  and so
                              on.  If there are  'n' arguments, ppszArgs[0]
                              through  ppszArgs[n-1] will  contain pointers
                              to each  word  on the  line, and  ppszArgs[n]
                              will be NULL.

               The  FeatureConfig  function  should  extract  any  relevant

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 33

               information  and store it in  a global variable  that can be
               accessed by other functions in the DLL.


               This function is  called whenever a NetMail message is about
               to   be  packed.    This  function  is  only  used  on  non-
               ArcmailAttach systems.

               This  function  is  passed  a pointer  to  the  _feat_netmsg
               structure.  The structure contains the following fields:

               struct_len     This   field  contains  the   length  of  the
                              _feat_netmsg structure.

               ulAction       This  field  controls  the  action  taken  by
                              Squish  when  FeatureNetMsg  returns.     The
                              contents of this field  should be filled  out
                              by the feature DLL.

                              This field can be set to a combination of any
                              of the following values, using the bitwise OR
                              operator ("|"):

                              FACT_NONE      No action is taken

                              FACT_KILL      The  message  is deleted  upon
                                             returning  to  Squish,  before
                                             the message is packed.

                              FACT_SKIP      The message is left  alone and
                                             is not packed.

                              FACT_HIDE      Do  not  pass this  message to
                                             other installed features.  (By
                                             default,     all     installed
                                             features  are  called  with  a
                                             pointer    to    the   current
                                             message.     However,  if  the
                                             FACT_HIDE  flag is  set, other
                                             DLLs will not  be called  with
                                             this   message    during   the
                                             current run.)

                              FACT_RWMSG     Rewrite  the current  message.
                                             This  flag  should be  used if
                                             the  DLL modifies  the message
                                             header in pMsg.

               pszAreaTag     This field  contains the name of  the current

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 34

                              netmail area.

               ha             This is a MsgAPI HAREA handle for the current
                              netmail area.

               hmsg           This is a MsgAPI  HMSG handle for the current

               ulMsgNum       This  contains  the  message  number  of  the
                              current message.

               pMsg           Pointer to the message header  of the current

               pszCtrl        Pointer  to the  control information  for the
                              current message.

               pszMsgTxt      Pointer to the  message text for  the current

               us             A  NETADDR-type   structure  giving  Squish's
                              primary address.


               This  function is  called  whenever an  EchoMail message  is
               about to be tossed.

               This  function  is  passed   a  pointer  to  the  _feat_toss
               structure.  The structure contains the following fields:

               struct_len     Length of the _feat_toss structure.

               ulTossAction   This  field specifies the  action to be taken
                              when Squish returns from FeatureTossMsg.

                              This field  can contain any of  the following
                              options,  combined  using   the  bitwise   OR
                              operator ("|"):

                              FTACT_NONE     No action is taken.

                              FTACT_KILL     Delete  the   message  without
                                             attempting to toss it.

                              FTACT_AREA     Toss  to  the  new   area  tag
                                             specified in szArea.

                              FTACT_HIDE     Do  not  pass this  message to
                                             any other  installed features.
                                             (See    the    comments    for

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 35

                                             FACT_HIDE in FeatureNetMsg for
                                             more information.)

                              FTACT_NSCN     Do  not  scan this  message to
                                             anyone  else (if  performing a
                                             one-pass toss/scan).

               szArea         Area tag for this message.  This field can be
                              changed to cause the message to be redirected
                              to another  area, but  to ensure  that Squish
                              recognizes  the  change, the  FTACT_AREA flag
                              should be set (above).

               szPktName      Name of  the  packet file  that contains  the
                              current message.

               pMsg           Pointer to the message header for the current

               pszCtrl        Control information for the current message.

               pszMsgTxt      Message text of the current message.


               This  function  is  currently   not  supported  by   Squish.
               However, it must be present for Squish to load the DLL.


               This function  is  called when  Squish  is about  to  finish
               execution.   This  function should  perform feature-specific
               clean-up operations.


               This function is  never actually  called by  Squish, but  it
               must be present in all 16-bit feature DLLs.


               This  function is  never actually called  by Squish,  but it
               must be present in all 32-bit feature DLLs.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 36

          Building Feature DLLs

          The  following commands can be used to  build a sample 16-bit DLL
          using WATCOM C/16  9.5 or above, where "template" is  the name of
          the source file for the feature:

               [C:\] wcc /bd /dOS_2 /ml /zu template.c

               [C:\]  wlink sys os2  dll initi debug  all name template.dll
               file  template.obj lib  os2  opt  manyauto, protmode,  verb,

          The following commands can be  used to build a sample  32-bit DLL
          using WATCOM C/32 9.5 or above:

               [C:\] wcc386 /bd /dOS_2 /fo=templa32 template.c

               [C:\] wlink sys os2v2 dll initi debug  all name templa32.dll
               file   templa32.obj   lib   os2386   opt   verb,   manyauto,

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 37

                           SQUISH FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION

          This  section describes  the  physical file  layout  of a  Squish
          message base.  This is intended as a reference for developers who
          are  writing  their  own  Squish-compatible  programs.    For  an
          overview   of  the  Squish  message  base,  see  the  section  of
          SQUISH.PRN entitled "Using Squish-Format Message Areas".

          While the Squish MsgAPI library provides a standardized interface
          to  Squish and  *.MSG bases  for C  programmers, authors  who use
          other languages may need  to access Squish bases directly.   This
          section describes  the implementation details of  the Squish file

          Squish Philosophy

          A standard  Squish base consists  of two files:   a message  data
          file and a message index file.  Both files have  the same prefix,
          but the  data file has  an extension  of ".sqd", while  the index
          file has an extension of ".sqi".

          From an overall  point of view, the Squish  data file consists of
          messages  stored in a doubly-linked  list.  The  Squish data file
          includes  a header that contains  pointers to the  first and last
          frames  in   the  area,   in  addition  to   other  area-specific

          In the  data  file,  a "frame"  is  used to  hold  an  individual
          message.   A  frame consists  of a  frame header  (which contains
          links to the prior  and next messages), followed by  the optional
          message header, control information and message body fields.

          This "linked list of frames" approach is ideal for a BBS  message
          base.   Almost all  message base  access is  sequential, starting
          from a particular offset, and reading or writing until the end of
          the  message base is reached.   Since each  frame header contains
          the offset of the prior  and next messages, no disk accesses  are
          required to find the preceding or following messages.

          The index file is a flat  array of Squish Index (SQIDX)  records.
          The index  file is  used primarily for  performing random  access
          look-ups by message number.

          Unlike  other  message  base  formats, the  Squish  base  is only
          loosely based on  the concept  of "message numbers".   While  all
          messages have a message  number, these numbers can change  at any
          time.  By definition, the message numbers in a Squish base always
          range from 1 to the  highest message in the area.   Consequently,
          there are no "gaps" in message numbers, so a Squish  message area
          never needs to be renumbered.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 38

          While  this makes it easy to scan  through all of the messages in
          an  area, this  also  makes it  difficult  to find  one  specific
          message.    Consequently,  the   concept  of  a  "unique  message
          identifier" or (UMSGID) is introduced.

          When a message is created, it is assigned a 32-bit UMSGID.  These
          identifiers are unique  and NEVER CHANGE.  Unique message numbers
          are  never "renumbered",  so  once  a  UMSGID  of  a  message  is
          obtained,  it  can always  be used  to  find the  current message
          number of the  given message,  no matter how  many messages  have
          been added or deleted in the interim.

          Squish Data Types

          The following integral types  are used in the Squish  file format

          Type      Size      Description
          char      1 byte    A one-byte unsigned character.

          word      2 bytes   A two-byte unsigned integer.

          sword     2 bytes   A two-byte signed integer.

          dword     4 bytes   A four-byte unsigned integer.

          FOFS      4 bytes   A  four-byte unsigned integer.   This type is
                              used to  store offsets  of frames  within the
                              Squish data file.

          UMSGID    4 bytes   A four-byte unsigned  integer.  This  type is
                              used to store unique message  identifiers for
                              Squish messages.

          The types  above  are stored  in the  standard Intel  "backwords"
          format, with  the least significant byte being  stored first, and
          the most significant byte being stored last.

          A two-byte integer containing 0x1234 would be stored as follows:

               Offset    Value
               0         0x34
               1         0x12

          A  four-byte integer  containing  0x12345678 would  be stored  as

               Offset    Value
               0         0x78
               1         0x56
               2         0x34

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 39

               3         0x12

          The Squish file format also uses a number of abstract data types:

          The SCOMBO type is used for describing a message date/time stamp.
          This structure has the following format:

          Name      Type      Ofs  Description
          date      word      0    DOS bitmapped date value.  This field is
                                   used to store a message date.

                                   The first five bits represent the day of
                                   the month.  (A value of 1 represents the
                                   first of the month.)

                                   The next four bits indicate the month of
                                   the year. (1=January; 12=December.)

                                   The  remaining  seven bits  indicate the
                                   year (relative to 1980).

          time      word      2    DOS  bitmapped time  value.   This field
                                   used to store a message time.

                                   The first five bits indicate the seconds
                                   value,  divided by  two.   This  implies
                                   that all  message  dates and  times  get
                                   rounded  to a  multiple of  two seconds.
                                   (0  seconds  = 0;  16  seconds  = 8;  58
                                   seconds = 29.)

                                   The next six  bits represent the minutes

                                   The  remaining  five bits  represent the
                                   hour value, using a 24-hour clock.

                    Total:    4 bytes

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 40

          The  NETADDR  type  is  used  for  describing  a  FidoNet network
          address.  This structure has the following format:

          Name      Type      Offset    Description
          zone      word      0         FidoNet zone number.

          net       word      2         FidoNet net number.

          node      word      4         FidoNet node number.

          point     word      6         FidoNet  point  number.     If  the
                                        system  is not a  point, this field
                                        should be assigned a value of zero.
                    Total:    8 bytes

          In addition, to describe an array of a  given type, the "type[n]"
          notation  is used.  For example, "char[6]" represents an array of
          six  contiguous characters.  Likewise, "UMSGID[12]" represents an
          array of twelve UMSGID types.

          Data File Format

          The Squish data file consists of two major sections:

          1)   A fixed-length area  header, stored at the  beginning of the

          2)   A variable-length  heap that comprises the rest of the file.
               This part of the file is used for storing message text.

          The area header stores pointers to the head and tail of two major
          "chains" of messages; the message chain and the free  chain.  The
          message  chain is used  to find all  active messages in  an area.
          The  free  chain is  used for  storing  the locations  of deleted
          messages, such that space can be reused at a later point in time.

          The  Squish data  file always  contains a  copy of  the following
          _sqbase structure at file offset 0:

          Name                Type      Offset    Description
          len                 word      0         Length  of   the  _sqbase

          reserved            word      2         Reserved for future use.

          num_msg             dword     4         Number  of   messages  in
                                                  this  Squish base.   This
                                                  should always be equal to
                                                  the value of the high_msg

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 41

          high_msg            dword     8         Highest message number in
                                                  this  Squish base.   This
                                                  should always be equal to
                                                  the value  of the num_msg

          skip_msg            dword     12        When        automatically
                                                  deleting  messages,  this
                                                  field indicates  that the
                                                  first  skip_msg  messages
                                                  in the area should not be
                                                  deleted.   (If max_msg=50
                                                  and    skip_msg=2,   this
                                                  means  that  the  writing
                                                  program    should   start
                                                  deleting  from  the third
                                                  message    whenever   the
                                                  total    message    count
                                                  exceeds 50 messages.)

          high_water          dword     16        The high water marker for
                                                  this  area,  stored as  a
                                                  UMSGID.    This field  is
                                                  used  in  EchoMail  areas
                                                  only.   This contains the
                                                  UMSGID  of   the  highest
                                                  message that  was scanned
                                                  by   EchoMail  processing

          uid                 dword     20        This  field  contains the
                                                  UMSGID to  be assigned to
                                                  the next  message created
                                                  in this area.

          base                char[80]  24        Name  and   path  of  the
                                                  Squish base, as an ASCIIZ
                                                  string, not including the
                                                  extension.  This field is
                                                  optional  and  will   not
                                                  necessarily be filled out
                                                  by all applications.  (If
                                                  this    field    is   not
                                                  supported,  it should  be
                                                  initialized to ASCII 0.)

          begin_frame         FOFS      104       Offset of the first frame
                                                  in the message chain.

          last_frame          FOFS      108       Offset of  the last frame
                                                  in the message chain.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 42

          free_frame          FOFS      112       Offset of the first frame
                                                  in the free chain.

          last_free_frame     FOFS      116       Offset   of   the    last
                                                  message   in   the   free

          end_frame           FOFS      120       Offset   of  end-of-file.
                                                  Applications  will append
                                                  messages  to  the  Squish
                                                  file from this point.

          max_msg             dword     124       Maximum     number     of
                                                  messages to store in this
                                                  area.      When   writing
                                                  messages,    applications
                                                  should dynamically delete
                                                  messages  to   make  sure
                                                  that    no    more   than
                                                  max_msgs  exist  in  this

          keep_days           word      128       Maximum age  (in days) of
                                                  messages  in  this  area.
                                                  This    field    is   not
                                                  normally      used     by
                                                  applications.    However,
                                                  it is used by SQPACK when
                                                  performing a message area

          sz_sqhdr            word      130       Size    of   the    SQHDR
                                                  structure.            For
                                                  compatibility with future
                                                  versions  of  the  Squish
                                                  file format, applications
                                                  should use  this value as
                                                  the  size  of  the  SQHDR
                                                  structure,   instead   of
                                                  using     a     hardcoded
                                                  "sizeof(SQHDR)" value.

          reserved            char[124] 132       Reserved for future use.

                              Total:    256 bytes

          To examine the messages  in a Squish base, the  application needs
          to  follow  the message  chain.    To  do  this, start  with  the
          begin_frame and/or  end_frame fields.   These fields  contain the
          offsets of  the  first  and  last frames  (respectively)  in  the
          message base.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 43

          A frame in the  message chain consists  of a Squish Frame  Header
          structure (SQHDR),  followed by the XMSG  message header, message
          control information, and message body.

          A frame in the free chain consists of a SQHDR structure  only.  A
          free frame does not necessarily contain a message.

          A SQHDR structure always has the following format:

          Name           Type      Ofs  Description
          id             dword     0    The  frame   identifier  signature.
                                        This field must always be  set to a
                                        value of 0xAFAE4453.

          next_frame     FOFS      4    Frame offset of the next  frame, or
                                        0 if this is the last frame.

          prev_frame     FOFS      8    Frame offset of the prior frame, or
                                        0 if this is the first frame.

          frame_length   dword     12   Amount of space  ALLOCATED for  the
                                        frame, not including the space used
                                        by the SQHDR itself.

          msg_length     dword     16   Amount of space USED in this frame,
                                        including  the  size  of  the  XMSG
                                        header,  the  control  information,
                                        and the message  text.  This  field
                                        does  NOT include  the size  of the
                                        SQHDR itself.

          clen           dword     20   Length  of the  control information
                                        field in this frame.

          frame_type     word      24   This field  can contain one  of the
                                        following frame type values:

                                             0    Normal frame.  This frame
                                                  contains an  XMSG header,
                                                  followed  by  the message
                                                  control  information  and
                                                  the message body.  Normal
                                                  frames  should  only   be
                                                  encountered          when
                                                  processing   the   normal
                                                  message chain.

                                             1    Free  frame.   This frame
                                                  has been  deleted, but it
                                                  can   be  reused.     The
                                                  amount of available space
                                                  in the frame is  given by

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 44

                                                  the  frame_length  field.
                                                  Free  frames should  only
                                                  be    encountered    when
                                                  processing    the    free

                                             2    LZSS  frame.   This frame
                                                  type   is  reserved   for
                                                  future use.

                                             3    Frame update.   The frame
                                                  is   being   updated   by
                                                  another  task.   This  is
                                                  only  a  transient  frame
                                                  type;  it indicates  that
                                                  the  frame should  not be
                                                  manipulated   by  another

                                             All  other   frame  types  are
                                             reserved for future use.

          reserved       word      26   Reserved for future use.

                         Total:    28 bytes

          For  a normal frame type, the XMSG header immediately follows the
          Squish  frame  header.   The  XMSG  structure  has  the following

          Name           Type      Ofs  Description

          attr           dword     0    Message  attributes.    This  is  a
                                        combination  of  any  of  the  MSG*
                                        attributes.  (See below.)

          from           char[36]  4    Name  of  the  user who  originated
                                        this message.

          to             char[36]  40   Name  of  the  user  to  whom  this
                                        message is addressed.

          subject        char[72]  76   Message subject.

          orig           NETADDR   148  Originating network address of this

          dest           NETADDR   156  Destination network address of this
                                        message.  (Used  for netmail  areas

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 45

          date_written   SCOMBO    164  Date that the message was written.

          date_arrived   SCOMBO    168  Date that the message was placed in
                                        this Squish area.

          utc_ofs        sword     172  The  message  writer's offset  from
                                        UTC, in minutes.   Currently,  this
                                        field is not used.

          replyto        UMSGID    174  If  this message  is a  reply, this
                                        field  gives  the  UMSGID   of  the
                                        original message.   Otherwise, this
                                        field is given a value of 0.

          replies        UMSGID[9] 178  If any replies for this message are
                                        present,   this  array   lists  the
                                        UMSGIDs   of   up  to   nine  reply

          umsgid         UMSGID    214  The UMSGID  of this message.   THIS
                                        FIELD  IS ONLY VALID  IF THE MSGUID
                                        BIT  IS  SET IN  THE  "ATTR" FIELD.
                                        Older Squish programs do not always
                                        set this field, so its contents can
                                        only be trusted  if the MSGUID  bit
                                        is set.

          __ftsc_date    char[20]  218  FTS-0001  compatible date.   Squish
                                        applications should not access this
                                        field directly.  This field is used
                                        exclusively by tossers and scanners
                                        for  preserving the  original ASCII
                                        message date.   Squish applications
                                        should  use  the  binary  dates  in
                                        date_written  and  date_arrived  to
                                        retrieve the message date.
                         Total:    238 bytes

          Any  of the  following bitmasks can  be used  in the  XMSG "attr"

          Attribute      Value          Description
          MSGPRIVATE     0x00000001     The message is private.

          MSGCRASH       0x00000002     The  message  is  given  a  "crash"
                                        flavour  when  packed.   When  both
                                        MSGCRASH   and  MSGHOLD   are  both
                                        enabled,  the  message  is given  a
                                        "direct" flavour.

          MSGREAD        0x00000004     The  message has  been read  by the

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 46

          MSGSENT        0x00000008     The  message  has  been packed  and
                                        prepared  for   transmission  to  a
                                        remote system.

          MSGFILE        0x00000010     The  message  has a  file attached.
                                        The filename is given in the "subj"

          MSGFWD         0x00000020     The  message  is in-transit;  it is
                                        not addressed to one of our primary

          MSGORPHAN      0x00000040     The  message  is  orphaned.     The
                                        message  destination address  could
                                        not be found in the nodelist.

          MSGKILL        0x00000080     The message should be  deleted from
                                        the  local message base  when it is

          MSGLOCAL       0x00000100     The  message   originated  on  this
                                        system.   This flag must be present
                                        on  all  locally-generated  netmail
                                        for Squish to function properly.

          MSGHOLD        0x00000200     The  message  should  be   given  a
                                        "hold" flavour when  packed.   When
                                        combined  with  the MSGCRASH  flag,
                                        the  message  is  given a  "direct"

          MSGXX2         0x00000400     Reserved for future use.

          MSGFRQ         0x00000800     The message is a file request.  The
                                        filename  is  given  in the  "subj"

          MSGRRQ         0x00001000     A  receipt  is  requested.     (Not
                                        supported by Squish.)

          MSGCPT         0x00002000     This  message is  a receipt  for an
                                        earlier MSGRRQ request.

          MSGARQ         0x00004000     An audit trail  is requested.  (Not
                                        supported by Squish.)

          MSGURQ         0x00008000     This message is an  update request.
                                        The filename is given in the "subj"

          MSGSCANNED     0x00010000     This  echomail   message  has  been
                                        scanned out to other systems.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 47

          MSGUID         0x00020000     The  "uid"  field contains  a valid
                                        UMSGID for this message.

          Index File Format

          The index  file provides  random access  capability for a  Squish
          base.   Given a  message number,  the index file  can be  used to
          quickly find the frame offset for that message.

          Similarly, given  a UMSGID, the  index file can  also be  used to
          find the message number and/or the frame offset for the message.

          The  Squish  index  file is  an  array  of  Squish Index  (SQIDX)
          structures.    Each  SQIDX  structure corresponds  to  an  active
          message.  For a base containing 'n' messages,  there are at least
          'n' SQIDX  structures.  (There may also  be extra SQIDX frames at
          the end  of the index  file, but these  will be initialized  with
          invalid values, as described below.)

          The SQIDX for the first message is stored at offset 0.
          The SQIDX for the second message is stored at offset 12.
          The SQIDX for the third message is stored at offset 24.
          (and so on)

          The Squish Index structure (SQIDX) has the following format:

          Name      Type      Ofs  Description

          ofs       FOFS      0    Offset of the frame for this message.  A
                                   value  of  0  is  used  to  indicate  an
                                   invalid message.

          umsgid    UMSGID    4    Unique message ID for  this message.   A
                                   value of 0xffffffff  is used to indicate
                                   an invalid message.

                                   The umsgid field  must always be greater
                                   than  the umsgid field  of the preceding
                                   SQIDX structure.   UMSGIDs are  assigned
                                   serially, so  this will normally  be the
                                   case.  (A binary search is  performed on
                                   the  index file to translate UMSGIDs, so
                                   the  umsgid field  of the  SQIDX headers
                                   must  always  be  stored   in  ascending

          hash      dword     8    The low 31 bits  of this field contain a
                                   hash the "To:"  field for this  message.
                                   (See below for the  hash function.)  The
                                   high bit is set to 1 if the MSGREAD flag
                                   is  enabled  in  the corresponding  XMSG

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 48


                    Total:    12 bytes

          The following hash function is used to calculate the "hash" field
          of  the  SQIDX  structure.    All  variables  are  32-bit  unless
          otherwise noted:

               Set "hash" to a value of 0

               For each 8-bit character "ch" in the To: field, repeat:

                    -    Shift "hash" left by four bytes.
                    -    Convert "ch" to lowercase
                    -    Increment the hash by the ASCII value of "ch"

                    -    Set "g" to the value of "hash"
                    -    Perform a  bitwise AND  on  "g", using  a mask  of

                    -    If "g" is non-zero:

                         -    Perform a bitwise OR on "hash" with the value
                              of "g".
                         -    Shift "g" right by 24 bits.
                         -    Perform a bitwise OR on "hash" with the value
                              of "g".

               Perform a bitwise AND on "hash" with a value of 0x7fffffff.

          The following C function can be used to calculate such a hash:

               #include <ctype.h>

               unsigned long SquishHash(unsigned char *f)
                    unsigned long hash=0;
                    unsigned long g;
                    char *p;

                    for (p=f; *p; p++)
                         hash=(hash << 4) + (unsigned long)tolower(*p);

                         if ((g=(hash & 0xf0000000L)) != 0L)
                              hash |= g >> 24;
                              hash |= g;

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 49

                    /* Strip off high bit */

                    return (hash & 0x7fffffffLu);

          The SquishHash function is derived from the hashpjw() function by
          P.J. Weinberger.

          The following procedure  can be used to find the  frame offset or
          UMSGID of a particular message number:

          -    Read  the Squish  data header  and ensure  that the  message
               number  is  less  than  or  equal  to  the  value  given  by

          -    Subtract one from the message number.

          -    Multiply the result by 12 (the size of the SQIDX structure).

          -    The product is the required offset  in the SQIDX file.  Seek
               to that offset and read the SQIDX header.

          -    The "fofs" field of the SQIDX structure indicates the offset
               of  the message  frame.   The  "umsgid" field  indicates the
               UMSGID for the message in question.

          To  find a  message number  and/or frame  offset of  a particular
          UMSGID,  a simple  binary search  can be  performed on  the index
          file.  Since the  SQIDX structures are (by definition)  stored in
          ascending  order  by the  "umsgid"  field.   Conventional  binary
          search techniques can  be used to find the SQIDX  structure for a
          particular UMSGID value.

          Having found the SQIDX  structure, the offset of the  message can
          be  obtained from  the  SQIDX "fofs"  field.   In  addition,  the
          message number can be  determined from the location of  the SQIDX
          within the  index file.  (The SQIDX at offset 0 is for message 1;
          the SQIDX at offset 12 is for message 2; and so on.)

          Message Links

          Like  with any  doubly-linked list,  inserting a  message  into a
          Squish  message chain  requires  more work  than  just writing  a
          single header.

          First of all,  when writing  the SQHDR for  the new message,  the
          "prev_frame" and the "next_frame" fields must be set to the frame
          offsets of the previous and next messages in the chain.

          In  addition, the "next_frame" field of the PREVIOUS message must
          be set to  the offset of the  message being inserted.   Likewise,

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 50

          the  "prev_frame" field of  the NEXT message  must be set  to the
          offset of the message being inserted.

          Similar arguments apply  to deleting  a message.   The prior  and
          next  messages must  be  linked together  to  remove the  current
          message from the chain.

          Beyond that, if  the message is being  inserted or deleted  is at
          the beginning or end of the chain,  the begin_frame/last_frame or
          free_frame/last_free_frame  pointers must  be  updated  (for  the
          message and free chains, respectively).

          Reading Messages

          Once the offset of a message frame is  known, the application can
          follow these steps to read the message:

          -    Seek to the specified frame offset.

          -    Read the SQHDR for the frame, making sure to read "sz_sqhdr"
               bytes (as given in the _sqdata base header).

          -    Validate the  "id" field.  If the contents of this field are
               not equal to  the predefined constant (see "id", above), the
               Squish base is damaged.

          -    Validate  the "frame_type" field.   If the type  is equal to
               "normal frame", proceed.   If  the type is  equal to  "frame
               update", another application is  processing the base, so the
               message should be skipped.  Any other value is an error.

          -    Read the XMSG header.

          -    Use the "clen" field of the SQHDR to determine the length of
               the control  information.   Read  this  many bytes  into  an

          -    Use the  "msg_length" field  of the  SQHDR to  determine the
               total  length of the frame.   Subtract the  size of the XMSG
               header  and the  "clen" value,  and use  this result  as the
               length of  the message text.   Read this many bytes  into an

          To read  the next or  prior message  in a chain,  simply use  the
          "next_frame"  or "prev_frame" fields (respectively) to obtain the
          frame  offset (FOFS)  of the  indicated frame.   A  FOFS  of zero
          indicates that the end of the chain has been reached.

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 51

          Writing Messages

          To write a new  message to a Squish  base, an application  should
          follow this procedure:

          -    Obtain  exclusive  access to  the  Squish  base.   (See  the
               section entitled "Concurrency" for more information.)

          -    Re-read a copy of the Squish base header.

          -    Scan  the messages in the  "free_frame" chain to  see if any
               frame  is  large  enough  to accommodate  the  new  message.
               Ensure that the message  header has a type of  "free frame".
               If so, unlink the message from the free chain, adjusting the
               free_frame and last_free_frame pointers  if necessary.  (See
               "Message Links", above.)

          -    If no free frame was  found, allocate a frame at the  end of
               the file, using the "end_frame" offset from the base header.
               Increment  the  "end_frame" value  by  the  amount of  space

          -    Link the new SQHDR frame into the end of the message  chain,
               adjusting  the begin_frame  and last_frame  pointers in  the
               base header (if necessary).

          -    Set  the  "frame_type"  field  of the  new  SQHDR  to "frame
               update" and write at the appropriate offset.

          -    Copy  the "uid"  field from  the base  header into  the XMSG
               header of  the message to be  written.  Also set  the MSGUID
               flag in the "attr" field of the XMSG header.  Then increment
               the "uid" field in the base header.

          -    Increment  the  num_msg  and  high_msg values  in  the  base

          -    Rewrite the Squish base header.

          -    Relinquish exclusive access to the Squish base.

          -    Take the offset  of the  new SQHDR, and  add the  "sz_sqhdr"
               value from the base  header.  Seek to that offset  and write
               the XMSG header.

          -    Write the message's control information.

          -    Write the message body.

          -    Set the frame type of the new message to "normal".

          -    Seek to the appropriate offset in the Squish index file, and

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 52

               write a SQIDX header for the new message.  Make sure

          -    Check the  "high_msg" count  of the  message area  to ensure
               that it  is less than or  equal to max_msg.   If not, delete
               messages (while skipping the first  skip_msg messages) until
               the total message count is less than high_msg.

          Deleting Messages

          An application should follow this procedure to delete an existing

          -    Obtain the frame offset of  the message to be deleted.   (If
               given a message number,  the frame offset for a  message can
               be found in the n'th record of the index file.)

          -    Read the frame header into memory.

          -    Obtain exclusive access to the message base.

          -    Update  the header pointed to by the next_frame link to skip
               over the message being deleted.

          -    Update  the header pointed to by the next_frame link to skip
               over the message being deleted.

          -    Shift the index file to remove the just-deleted message from
               the  message area.  The global pointers in the Squish header
               (num_msg, high_msg, and so on) should also be updated.

          -    Append  the  just-deleted  header  to the  chain  of  "free"
               messages.  The  frame should be inserted  at the end of  the
               free list.  The procedure used for inserting a free frame is
               similar to that used in "Writing a message", except that the
               free list is manipulated (instead of the message list).

          -    Relinquish exclusive access to the message base.

          Concurrency Considerations

          For  Squish applications to operate properly in a multitasking or
          networked  environment, certain  precautions must  be taken  when
          manipulating  a Squish base.  While there are few restrictions on
          reading message information, a certain set of conventions must be
          followed when writing to a Squish base.

          The procedure for obtaining exclusive  access to the message base
          (as used in the descriptions above) is as follows:

          -    Attempt to  lock the first byte of the Squish data file.  If
               the  lock fails, wait for one second  and try again.  If all

                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 53

               ten  locks fail, the base  is locked by  another process and
               cannot be modified.

          -    Re-read  the Squish base header.   Old copies  of the header
               may  no longer  be  current, so  this  step must  always  be
               performed  when  obtaining  exclusive access  to  the Squish

          An  application  should  not  write  to  the  Squish  base  until
          performing the steps above.

          Once  exclusive access  has  been obtained,  the application  can
          perform  any necessary  modifications.   When the  application no
          longer  needs to write to  the message base,  the following steps
          can be performed to relinquish exclusive access:

          -    Write the updated  Squish base header.   This revised header
               should include  any  modifications  which  were  made  while
               exclusive access was in effect.

          -    Unlock the first byte of the Squish data file.

          As  long as all Squish applications  follow these conventions for
          accessing the Squish base, concurrency should not be a problem.


                     Squish Developers Kit Version 2.0 - Page 54

© 2003-2024 by Ulrich Schroeter   02382